Photographing children 8 years and younger



The hubbs and I  pull our travel trailer south every February (it's our WV winter rebellion) and this year we spent one week of that trip in Marathon FL.  There was a community of brown pelicans that lived there on the campground, they would come in every evening as the fishermen would clean their fish and patiently wait for scraps.  You could tell it was their routine, they would hear a cooler rolling along the gravel and start flocking in.  They were patient birds though, my favorite part was the 'pelican ballet' when you would 'fake' throw a piece of fish repetitively, and they would in perfect unison bounce up and down, left to right.  With just a scrap of fish, you could be the perfect conductor.  

The fish cleaning also brought in 4 beggars of a much larger species, it's the closest I've been to sharks outside of an aquarium.  I was fortunate to capture one quick frame of one swimming by.  I should mention this was about 2 hours after I was snorkeling in the exact area.  Yikes!  Apparently these 4 sharks weren't of the 'human consumption' type, somewhat comforting but still scary.  

There was also one lone white bird that was there daily as well, a male egret that I was informed goes by the name of 'Henry'.  Here are some images from our adventures.


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